Matsumura 抄书系列. Chevalley 定理是这学期课程里面的某一个presentation内容. 对于一般的情况下, 一个morphism 不一定把一个algebraic set 映射到algebraic set, 但是一个finite type morphism 却能保持constructible sets. 在affine space上的结论就是这个定理的直接推论, 证明起来更简单一些.
Constructible Sets
We give the most basic constructible set in Noetherian space first.
Definition 1. In a topological space X, Z⊂X is said be locally closed if for every z∈Z, there’s a neighborhood, U⊂X s.t. U∩Z is closed in Z.
We give another interpretation of locally closed: Z is locally closed if and only if Z is the intersection of an open and closed set.
For Z being the intersection of open and closed set, Z is obviously locally closed. For Z being locally closed, Z=⋃z∈Z(Uz∩Z)=⋃z∈Z(Uz∩Vz) with Uz open and Vz closed, and z∈Vz for any z∈Z. So Z=(⋃z∈ZUz)∩(⋂z∈ZVz).
Definition 2. In Noetherian space X, Z is constructible if Z is a finite union of locally closed sets in X.
From above argument, Z=⋃i=1m(Ui∩Vi) with Ui open and Vi closed. It’s easy to see the union, intersection and complement of constructible sets are also a Constructible sets.
Proposition 1. In Noetherian space X, X0 is irreducible in X, Z⊂X is constructible if and only if X0∩Z is not dense in X0 or X0∩Z contains a nonempty open subset of X0.
Proof. (⇒): For Z Constructible and X0 irreducible, Z∩X0=⋃i=1m(Ui∩Fi) with Fi irreducible, then Ui∩Fi=Fi. If X0∩Z=⋃i=1mFi=X0, so Fi=X0 for some i, Then Ui∩Fi=Ui∩X0 is a nonempty open subset of X0∩Z.
(⇐): We use the Noetherian induction of Noetherian space. For Z=∅, the result is trivial. Assume all subsets of Z satisfies the condition above is Constructible. Let Zˉ=F1∪⋯∪Fn with Fi irreducible. F1∩Z=F1, since F1 is irreducible, there’s a closed subset F1′ of F1 such that F1−F1′⊂Z is open in Z. Take F∗=F1′∪F2∪⋯∪Fn, then Z=(F1−F∗)∪(Z∩F∗). F1−F∗ is obviously locally closed. For Z∩F∗, if X0 irreducible and Z∩F∗∩X0=X0, then X0⊂F and Z∩F∗∩X0=Z∩X0 open. Since Z∩F∗⊂F∗⊂Zˉ, by induction hypothesis, Z∩F∗ is constructible, so Z is constructible. ◻
Now we give the general theory of Constructible sets.
Lemma 1. Let φ:A→B be a homomorphism of rings, X=Spec(A), Y=Spec(B) and f:φ∗:Y→X. Then f(Y) is dense in X if and only if the kernel of φ is contained in NA.
Proof. Assume f(Y)=V(I) for some ideal I, then I=⋂p∈Yφ−1(p)=φ−1(NB). For V(I)=X, I=NA and hence kerφ⊂NA.
Conversely, if kerφ⊂NA. Since φ−1(NB)⊃NA⊃φ−1(0). Take radicals then we get NA=φ−1(NB). Thus V(I)=f(Y). ◻
Theorem 1 (Chevalley). Let A be a Noetherian ring, B is a finitely generated A-algebra, φ:A→B is the canonical homomorphism. X=Spec(A), Y=Spec(B), f:φ∗:Y→X. Then the image of a constructible set in Y is constructible.
We first consider the image of Y in X, we want to show it’s a constructible set.
Proof. We use the above proposition to prove the theorem. For any X0 irreducible in X, let X0=V(p) for some p∈X. Consider f(Y)∩X0, if f(Y)∩X0 is dense in X0, then for φ′:A/p→B/pB, by lemma above, kerφ′⊂NA/p. We need to find an open subset of f(Y)∩X0. Let A′=A/p, B′=B/pB, X′=Spec(A/p) and Y′=Spec(B/pB), f∗:Y′→X′. Let B′=A′[x1,…,xn], and A∗=A[x1,…,xr] s.t. x1,…,xr algebraically independent and xr+1,…,xn algebraic over A∗. Then i=1∑njgjixji=0 with gji∈A∗. Then j=k+1∏ngjnj is a nonzero polynormial with coefficients in A. Let a be a coefficient of i=1∑njgjixji=0. Now we show Xa is open in f(Y)∩X0. For p∈X′ with a∈/p, consider p[x1,…,xr]=p∗, a prime ideal in A∗, then a∈/p. Thus Bp∗′ isintegral over Ap∗∗. By lying over theorem, ∃q prime in Bp∗′ s.t. q∩Ap∗∗=p∗Ap∗∗. So q∩A=(q∩B)∩A=p∗∩A=p. Thus p=(q∩B)∩A∈f(Y). ◻
Then we show the general case by the following proposition.
Proposition 2. Let B be Noetherian ring, Y′ is Constructible set in Y=Spec(B). Then there is a finitely generated B-algebra B′ s.t. the image of Spec(B′) in Spec(B) is Y′.
Proof. If Y′=Xf∩V(I) for some f and I, just take B′=S−1(B/I), where S={1,f,…} and then Spec(B′)≅Y′⊂Spec(B).
For any open set in Noetherian space, we can write it as the finite union of basis. So we can assume Y′=⋃i=1mXfi∩V(Ii) for some fi and Ii. For each Xfi∩V(Ii), construct Bi as above, then take B′=i=1∏mBi. Then Spec(B′)≅Y′⊂Spec(B) ◻
For each constructible subset Y′ of Y, take such a B′ s.t. Spec(B′)≅Y′, then the theorem proved immediately from the natural composition A→B′.